Why attend?

No matter what you do in life, the ability to present yourself powerfully and clearly is invaluable. Whether we like it or not, we are moving into the age of media; be it via YouTube, Skype, or video-based messaging, everything is about our presentation.

At some point, we have all seen masterful presenters and those who are not so good. ‘Presenting Magically’ will enable you to develop your charisma, poise, and presentation style so that you too can become an outstanding speaker, trainer, or presenter.

Just suppose, for a moment, that you are delivering the biggest and most important speech, presentation, or training of your life. You look out at the audience and sense that they are totally with you. You feel calm, balanced, centered, and completely in control. You have fun presenting your material, and after receiving your well-deserved applause, several people approach you and tell you that it was the best presentation they have ever seen. Just a dream? No – that is ‘Presenting Magically’!

Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
All presenters and trainers regardless of their experience will transform their abilities
Anyone who wants to speak in public, present or train and has not started yet
Anyone who wants to speak in public, present or train and has not started yet

What is the Public Speaking Mastery Workshop?

Mastering Presentations’ stands out from other presentation skills trainings. It allows you to directly experience the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and learn how to apply it in speaking, presenting, and training. This course provides a structured model to excel as a presenter. The 3-day program combines classroom learning with practical application. Throughout the training, you’ll receive personal feedback and coaching from certified NLP trainers, significantly speeding up your learning process.

The course is led by John Doe, a professional speaker, presenter, and trainer with 30 years of experience. He is a certified Master Trainer of NLP, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. John believes that public speaking, presenting, and training are the ultimate leadership skills.

What will you learn on the workshop?

You will learn how:
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings
Anyone who presents themselves in meetings, video messages, speeches, presentations and trainings


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.